support & wellbeing

Gender neutral toilets

wheelchair accessible

trans & Non binary specific

queer specific


Mermaids supports transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children and young people (under 20), as well as their families and professionals involved in their care.

Gendered Intelligence

Our vision is of a world where diverse gender expressions are visible and valued, and where trans, non-binary, gender diverse and gender questioning people live healthy, safe and fulfilled lives.


AKT supports LGBTQ+ young people aged 16-25 in the UK who are facing or experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile environment.

Just like us

Just Like Us is the LGBT+ young people’s charity. Growing up LGBT+ is still unacceptably tough. Founded in 2016, we work with schools and young people across the UK to change this.


Stonewall works in partnership with a growing network of more than 700 organisations to help create real change for the better. It campaigns to eliminate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in communities, and empowers LGBT people and their allies to be role models wherever they live, work, shop, socialise or pray.


We stand with women who sex work and help you to experience good health, safety and emotional wellbeing. If you identify as a woman and you are sex working or thinking about it, team MASH is here for you. MASH is actively trans inclusive, all women are welcome. We support women in all forms of sex work including on-street, indoor and online.