Physical spaces

Gender neutral toilets

wheelchair accessible

trans & Non binary specific

queer specific

LGBT Foundation

Queer charity with sexual health clinic, community cafe, and support groups

Fairbairn House (2nd Floor), 72 Sackville Street, Manchester, M1 3NJ

The Proud Place

Queer youth group & community space

49-51 Sidney St, Manchester M1 7HB

Rainbow Mind

Queer mental health support

The Angel Centre, 1 St Philip’s Pl, Salford M3 6FA

Rainbow African Family

QTIPOC Charity,  supporting LGBTQIA people seeking asylum and refugees of African Heritage and wider BAME in the UK.

89 Gorton Ln, M12 5WF


work nationally with LGBTQ+ young people aged 16-25 who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or living in hostile environments.

50 Oak St, Manchester M4 5JA